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this looks incredible! do you think it’s possible to play on your own as a character building exercise, even if that’s not the original intention of the game?

Thank you very much for your kind words! 

As for solo play, I haven't tried it myself, but I'm sure it's possible. It would require you make a few supporting characters and I would suggest you roleplay a duo instead of a solo artist, but if you think the prompts fit the themes and ideas you'd like to explore, then I think it could be a fun experience! I'd be very curious to know how it goes for you, but regardless I hope you enjoy playing! <3

From the title, I thought it was inspired by The Band in the Last Waltz :D

Haha thank you for mentioning that! I honestly should get into the lore of The Band and watch The Last Waltz.. For the record, the title was actually inspired by Ed Sullivan's introduction for the Beatles on his show in 1964, where he yells "... The Beatles!!!!" :) 

This is a PHENOMENAL game, full stop. 

Wonderfully charming layout, art, and writing - I want to play immediately. 

Well worth the asking price and then some.

Thank you again for the kind words and the donation Kevin :")) It means the world, especially coming from someone who's made such cool TTRPG stuff!